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Orchestrated Objective Reduction theory (Orch OR)

  1. Quantum Consciousness:
  • The Orch OR suggests that consciousness is a quantum process facilitated by microtubules in the brain’s nerve cells.
  • Microtubules are protein-based structures forming part of the cell’s cytoskeleton.
  • According to this theory, consciousness is akin to a quantum wave that passes through these microtubules.
  • Like any quantum wave, it exhibits properties such as superposition (existing in multiple states simultaneously) and entanglement (connection between particles even when far apart).
  1. Universal Connection:
  • Penrose and Hameroff propose that our consciousness can connect or entangle with quantum particles outside our brain, theoretically spanning the entire universe.
  • However, other scientists have raised objections. Efforts to recreate quantum coherence (keeping particles in a wave state) only succeed in very cold, controlled environments.
  • The brain, being warm, wet, and dynamic, doesn’t fit these conditions, leading to skepticism about consciousness remaining in superposition.
  1. Criticism and Challenges:
  • Orch OR has faced criticism from mathematicians, philosophers, and scientists.
  • Key points of contention include Penrose’s interpretation of Gödel’s theorem, the link between non-computability and quantum events, and the brain’s unsuitability for hosting the required quantum phenomena due to its warm and noisy nature.

In summary, Orch OR offers an intriguing perspective on consciousness, suggesting that it emerges from quantum processes within our neurons and may connect with the universe at large¹²³⁴. However, it remains a topic of ongoing debate and exploration in the scientific community. 🌟

Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/23/2024
(1) Orchestrated objective reduction – Wikipedia.
(2) How quantum brain biology can rescue conscious free will.
(3) 14 Orch OR and the Quantum Biology of Consciousness – Oxford Academic.

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Ram Dass

One system through which you can look at it all, is that there are a set of vibrations or frequencies, you can call them the physical plane, the astral plane, the causal plane, and that which is beyond the beyond.

That’s a good image, “beyond the beyond.” In Tibetan, there is a mantra, which is “GateGateParagatePara Sam gate Bodhi svaha,” which means, “To that which is beyond the ocean of existence, I give homage; to that which is beyond the beyond.” That’s the place beyond those three levels.

Now what are those three levels? Look at it this way: Imagine a light bulb, and the light bulb has three layers of glass. There is the inner layer of glass, the middle layer of glass, and an outer layer of glass. Inside the light bulb is the same thing that’s outside the light bulb, pure consciousness, pure energy, and even these layers of glass are made up of merely “patternings” of this entire package called this “light bulb.”

Now imagine dipping this light bulb into a series of births – chemical baths, and the quality of these chemical baths is that they do two things. Each chemical bath thins the outermost layer of glass, and simultaneously, it leaves on the outermost layer of glass, which determines when the bulb comes out of the bath, and what next bath it will be pulled into. It codes the bulb for what its next bath will be. It goes from bath to bath to bath to bath, until it comes to a bath where the outer layer has gotten so thin that this particular bath breaks through, and the glass goes “poof!”

Now there are only two layers of glass left.

The subjective experience of that poof is, “Oh, so that’s the way it all is…” It’s the moment of waking up out of the illusion. That’s the place where, like Ramana Maharshi said, “You are finished with physical birth,” because the outer layer is the set of pre-dispositions which pull you each time into a physical birth, and keep you going through physical birth, after physical birth. Then this “poof!” occurs, and then you only have two layers of glass, leaving the physical. So then you start birth after birth, after birth on the astral plane, without a physical body, until “poof!” that goes.

Then you have one layer of glass.

So then birth after birth, and now you’re on the causal plane, the world like Plato’s world of pure ideas. It’s the highest place you can get on in the world of form or energy. It’s the basic laws of the universe, from which all the rest is manifestation, the world of pure idea. You’ve got one layer of glass then, and finally, you go through that enough until “poof!” that’s gone and the inner and outer are one again.

The bath is your entire heredity, your entire environment, it is everything that is happening to you, that has happened, and that will happen to you in this lifetime, and it is all done. You must understand that there are no accidents whatsoever in the universe.

-Ram Dass

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Tricuspid Heart Valve


There is only one place in the human body with three duplicate heart valves, called the tricuspid valve. The valves of the heart are structures which ensure blood flows in only one direction. They are composed of connective tissue and endocardium (the inner layer of the heart).

There are four valves of the heart, which are divided into two categories:

  • Atrioventricular valves: The tricuspid valve and mitral (bicuspid) valve. They are located between the atria and corresponding ventricle.
  • Semilunar valves: The pulmonary valve and aortic valve. They are located between the ventricles and their corresponding artery and regulate the flow of blood leaving the heart.

What does the tricuspid valve do?

The heart pumps blood in a specific route through four chambers (two atria and two ventricles). Every time your heart beats, the atria receive oxygen-poor blood from the body. And the ventricles contract (squeeze) to pump blood out.

As the heart pumps, valves open and close to allow blood to move from one area of the heart to another. The valves help ensure that blood flows at the right time and in the correct direction.

The tricuspid valve ensures that blood flows from the right atrium to the right ventricle. It also prevents blood from flowing backward between those two chambers. When the right atrium fills, the tricuspid valve opens, letting blood into the right ventricle. Then the right ventricle contracts to send blood to the lungs. The tricuspid valve closes tightly so that blood does not go backward into the right atrium.

By DrJanaOfficial – Official Website, Support, CC BY-SA 4.0,

What is the tricuspid valve made of?

The tricuspid valve is made of three thin but strong flaps of tissue. They’re called leaflets or cusps. The leaflets are named by their positions: anterior, posterior and septal. They attach to the papillary muscles of the ventricle with thin, strong cords called chordae tendineae.

With every heartbeat, those leaflets open and close. The sounds of the heart valves opening and closing are the sounds you hear in a heartbeat.

Does the heartbeat in 3/4 time?

Yes, the heart is closer to 3/4 time than 4/4 time. The waltz is in perfect synch with the heartbeat. Any music slower than the heartbeat tends to relax us, and any music faster than the heartbeat excites.

RadioLab | Our Little Stupid Bodies

There was a lively discussion about how body parts evolved on January 12, 2024 Episode: Our Little Stupid Bodies, question 4. Hear the recording and read the transcript below (permission to post from RadioLab).

Recording | Our Little Stupid Bodies

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